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Finished Reading: Go in Action
Jul 15, 2016

The first goal, of three, has been accomplished. I finished reading Go In Action, my first in Action book from Manning, and yes this book does not waste any time to introduce and get you involved in Go, it gives you an idea of what you can do with the language and it covers important topics like channels and concurrency patterns.

Go in Action is concise, not a book I would recommend to new gophers, but more for people who already read An introduction to Programming in Go because it could be hard to follow, specially the first and the last chapters, so you need to have some basics about the syntax and, of course, programming in general.

As a matter of fact, I believe this book really did it for me, because I already started working on dynamic docker composer on a daily basis, a couple of hours here and there, so the third goal of the month is slowly started to become a reality.

What I’m planning to do next is to continue with the Go theme, and finish reading Go Web Programming, I already finished reading the first chapter today, while commuting, so good progress so far.

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