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Dec 16, 2005

I'm kind of happy with my recent project, I haven't yet finished the older one but I need to keep going, I'm wrapping a Natural-written library using C++ for using it within an Oracle's trigger. With this newest development I've faced some issues, many related to the full platform dependency.

When I begin working... well you know, I'm still rookie (in that job), and some of my partners were talking about the Broker and the PIP (still don't know why they call PIP and Broker... to the library), first when I hear Broker I thought about the pattern... and is something like that, however when you hear library you imagine some well-constructed component for code reusing... and.. the most important thing standard-based, I was deluded (again) by thinking that there they care about exporting the functions in an ANSI-way, using Microsoft-based products brings you to use propietary technology (such as COM, DCOM, etc), they expose the libraries' methods like an Ole object, I'm not at good at MS tecnologies, but I like to learn and they have a lot of documentation and I have to do it anyway, I had two scenarios: modifying a Delphi-based application or writing this new project for running it all within the Database's process, of course I choosed second choice and due to we are using Oracle Database and Oracle support calling standard libraries for remote procedures and decided to wrap it for using.

C++ has been one of my favorites programming languages since I learnt programming, I really enjoy programming with C++, I'm happy with this new project, some challenges to defeat.

Pure distributed queries and database-based solution. Pure love.

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